Take the plunge: Become a Canadian citizen: the benefits and the steps to follow

Individuals around the globe choose to relocate to Canada due to its abundance of opportunities and cultural variety.

There are numerous advantages to taking a step toward citizenship if you become a permanent resident, of Canada. The benefits of being a citizen of Canada will be discussed in this article, along with the procedures required to apply.

what is a Canadian citizen?

Anyone who is officially acknowledged as a citizen of Canada has all of the advantages and obligations that go along with that status. Getting born in Canada, having one Canadian parent, or undergoing a naturalization procedure are all ways to become a citizen of Canada.

Each one has access to particular professions and advantages, the ability to go anywhere without limitations, and the ability to vote in presidential elections after becoming a citizen of Canada.

Along with becoming required to abide by Canadian regulations, paid taxes, get involved in electoral politics, as well as contributing to the welfare of the nation, they additionally have a duty to do these things.

Benefits of Canadian Citizenship

The opportunity of participating in national elections represents among the most important advantages of Canadian citizenship. As a result, you may influence who represents you in the government and play a role in determining how the nation will develop in the future.

Additionally, Canadian citizens are eligible to submit applications for positions that are merely open to their countrymen, including positions in the armed services and parliament.

Additionally, there are no limitations on the right of movement for Canadian citizens. You are eligible for a Canadian passport as a citizen as well as visit more than 180 different nations without a visa. If you’re inclined to have relatives or business interests beyond Canada, this may be especially helpful.

The ability to receive societal advantages is an extra benefit of Canadian citizenship. For instance, Canadian citizens have a right to healthcare coverage and are qualified for aid from the government in the event of job loss or an unexpected illness.

Steps to Becoming a Canadian Citizen

You need to fulfill prerequisites and comply with a specified procedure in order to become a citizen of Canada. You should follow the guidelines below:

step 1: Find Out If You’re Eligible You have to fulfill these requirements in order to obtain Canadian citizenship:

  • You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has resided here for at least three of the previous five years (1,095 days).
  • You need to be fluent in either French or English, and you must be able to prove it by passing a test.
  • You need to pass a citizenship exam and have the ability to show that you are familiar with Canada’s history, principles, organizations, and symbols.

Step 2: Collect the necessary paperwork You must obtain the following paperwork before you can submit an application for Canadian citizenship:

  • proving your residency
  • Documentation proving your physical presence in Canada.
  • A language exam outcome.
  • The outcome of a citizenship test.
  • Other papers, like a passport or travel papers.

step3: Fill Out the Application Form

You must complete the citizenship application form if you have obtained all of the necessary documentation. You are able to get a copy of the application at a Service Canada facility or print it on the Canadian government’s website.

Step 4: Pay the Application Fee

There is a charge associated with applying for Canadian citizenship, that will have to be paid at the time of submission. based on the age you are and whether you’re seeking citizenship by yourself or with a family participant, there are different fees.

Step 5: Submit Your Application

You have to give your application to the authorities after completing the form and paying the fee. Online or postal submissions are both acceptable.

Step 6: Attend a Citizenship Ceremony

You will be requested to a citizenship ceremony if your application is accepted, where you will perform the citizenship pledge and get your citizenship certification.


Choosing to become a Canadian citizen can change your life by offering you and your relatives new chances and advantages. Before submitting your application, complete your research and make sure you fulfill all requirements because the procedure may be difficult and time-consuming.

You are able to take the plunge and become an honored Canadian citizen by complying with the instructions provided in this article.