4 Types of Immigrants in Canada

Canada welcomes immigrants as the source of workforce expansion.

People flock here due to its high standards of living, education and healthcare provision.

Skilled workers have several immigration pathways available to them, most prominent of which is Express Entry which selects candidates based on qualifications alone; however, each province also operates provincial nominee programs to address local job market needs.

1. Economic

Immigration has played a crucial and enduring role in Canada’s economy by facilitating the influx of youthful workers, thereby mitigating the challenges posed by an aging population and the limitations it imposes on the domestic labor force expansion.

Leveraging its distinct geographical features and well-maintained borders, Canada exercises substantial control over the individuals allowed entry, ensuring their alignment with the country’s established criteria.

In Canada, immigrants commonly experience high levels of social integration. They exhibit strong work ethic, fulfill their tax obligations, and actively contribute to their local communities.

Moreover, they boast impressive rates of postsecondary education completion.

A significant aspect of their identity often comprises a dual cultural heritage that bridges values from both their country of origin and their new home in Canada.

Additionally, newcomers often bring funds and assets with them that help support themselves and their families, and tend to utilize public services less than native-born Canadians; the average Canadian family spends 10% of its income on health care while an immigrant family uses only 7%.

Most immigrants who migrate to Canada each year are admitted under economic category.

These immigrants typically seek career fulfillment, family reunion, or economic opportunities by owning and operating businesses – nearly 56.3 % of recent immigrants were classified as economic immigrants as of 2021.

Canada boasts a comprehensive system of regional economic development to attract skilled workers, making it an attractive destination for anyone hoping to make their living in today’s global economy.

Furthermore, Canada offers several temporary foreign worker programs tailored specifically for industries.

These are especially attractive programs for companies which have difficulty recruiting sufficient staff from local job markets.

Due to Canada’s declining birthrate and ageing population, immigration is in high demand as an effective solution.

Unfortunately, Canada’s current system for selecting immigrants has fallen short in meeting these needs; perhaps it is time for Canada to reconsider their approach?

2. Family

The 2021 Census provided a statistical portrait of Canada’s diverse population. Its results demonstrated how immigrants play an essential role in its economy and society – they contribute to economic growth as well as diversity of culture; help fill labour shortages; provide vital skills to our workforce; strengthen families; enhance quality of life for all Canadians alike.

Family reunification remains one of the primary forms of immigration, enabling permanent residents and citizens to sponsor their spouse and children for residency or citizenship in Canada.

Canada’s family reunification program is highly successful, helping bring families back together permanently.

With strong families as the cornerstone of both society and economy, Canada promotes family reunification as an integral component to prosperity and security.

As Canada has become home for millions of people since Confederation was formed, immigration patterns have fluctuated with changing global events and government policies.

By 2021, immigrants who were born in Asia (including the Middle East) made up the highest share of new arrivals while refugees from Europe continued their steady decrease after peaking at 74% in 1971.

Immigrants to Canada tend to settle primarily in large urban centres. By 2021, over 90 percent of recent immigrants settled in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants; most are concentrated in Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba; other migrants also made their homes in smaller cities and towns throughout Canada and rural regions.

Cities and towns throughout Canada boast higher concentrations of foreign-born residents than the national average, particularly major urban centres like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

A majority of people living in these urban centers have at least one foreign spouse or partner as part of their lives; many even have at least one foreign-born child themselves.

Canadians generally embrace the contributions made by immigrants to society and want more of their family and friends to move here.

A survey conducted by the Angus Reid Institute and CBC News discovered that 79% agreed that Canada should “welcome more immigrants”.

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3. Refugees

Refugees are defined as individuals who have fled their home countries due to a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons including race, religion, nationality or membership of a particular social group; or because returning presents an imminent risk to life or safety.

When seeking protection in Canada at points of entry or, under limited circumstances, once already here they make an application with the Refugee Board of Canada which determines eligibility and provides guidance as necessary.

Immigrants bring skills and knowledge that can significantly strengthen Canada’s labour market and society as a whole, as well as essential services.

Their contributions contribute to our cultural and religious diversity and they can often form two cultures at once; their children often straddling both traditions in which their parents came from with those of where they currently reside – creating what’s known as second generation Canadians who combine values from both countries they call home.

Canada is widely seen as an example of successful immigration policy due to the economic contribution made by immigrants.

Canada currently boasts one of its highest foreign-born populations ever seen since 1867 – providing much-needed relief to an aging population while fuelling economic expansion.

Canada encourages skilled workers to come to its country via its Express Entry program, a points-based system which prioritizes applicants with more education and experience over younger ones.

Top candidates may then apply for permanent residency within six months – while provinces and territories also operate their own programs such as Quebec’s Skilled Worker Program.

Additionally, many immigrants choose temporary migration before applying for permanent residency, a process known as two-step immigration that can ease integration and enhance outcomes for migrants and employers alike. It can especially benefit those possessing in-demand skillsets.

Most refugees settle in urban centres, contributing to Canada’s growing urban sprawl. Entrepreneurial refugees also help contribute to job creation within their new communities.

Nearly all refugees possess at least some postsecondary education – with many possessing advanced degrees as well.

Refugees also prove resourceful by devising creative means of making ends meet while adapting to life in Canada.

4. Other

As a permanent resident, someone arriving in Canada has many opportunities for growth and stability.

They will be able to live, work, study and take advantage of all the benefits provided to Canadian citizens including free universal healthcare – plus have the chance at becoming citizens themselves!

Canada provides various avenues of immigration, so each person’s journey towards becoming a Canadian will differ.

If you are planning on immigrating there are a few key points you should know prior to beginning the process.

First step to acquiring permanent residency visa in Canada: Meeting with a professional immigration attorney.

They can assess your personal circumstances and guide through the application process for permanent residency in Canada.

An expert advisor will be able to explain the requirements and deadlines associated with each program, while finding you one best suited for your circumstances.

Immigration can be a complex issue and taking part in its application can take time.

Therefore, it’s essential that all requirements for your case are fulfilled; including language and education requirements as well as showing proof of financial capacity to support yourself in the country of choice.

Keep in mind that immigration rates fluctuate depending on a variety of factors, from economy and population trends to political events and political outcomes.

Immigration peaked during the Progressive Conservative government before declining slightly under Liberal administrations.

Overall, immigrants make up roughly one third of Canada’s population and continue to play an integral role in its development.

Canada welcomes people from around the globe who bring a range of skills and experiences that creates a vibrant nation full of opportunity for all.